
Hello! My name is Matt Mak, a straight Asian man with black straight (and thick) hair, brown eyes, fair complexion, & uncircumcised (uncut) penis. I'm a restaurant employee, amateur model, nudist, & independent sperm donor. I have been practicing nudism since October 2014 and I really enjoy being a nudist. Being naked helps me release my stress from work, plus it is easier for me to meet and chat with other nudists and other naked people. I'm a big fan of hot springs (which the Japanese people called onsen), as I love the soothing of my body from the hot spring water. (I want to go to Japan someday to try some of its great hot springs when I have a chance.) My dream is to help many women around the world form families by donating my sperms to them. I'm currently looking for an Asian woman for a date and I hope the Asian woman & I will enter our eternal marriage. If you have any question, feel free to ask me by sending a message within this website. No question is a stupid question. If you have read my profile & you like what I said, show your guts by sending me a friend request. Also, please remember to subscribe me if you do like my channel so that you can get updates from me. Enjoy my channel and have fun!